At Wayne & Sons Automotive Repair in Santa Rosa, knowing everything we can about cars is our top priority. We don’t only know how to work on them, though; we know their history as well.
Henry Ford is a name you’re familiar with, and remember well from your American History textbooks in school. Obviously, he is the founder of Ford, but what else is he famous for?The key to Ford’s success began with one car; the Model T. While it was by all measures a good automobile, the car alone didn’t define its success. Ford pioneered the assembly line, allowing cars to be mass produced quickly and cost effectively for the first time, making them widely available to the general public. The assembly line meant employing thousands of workers, most of which didn’t require any specialized skill, to crank out automobiles as rapidly and efficiently as possible. At first, people drove Fords because it was essentially the only market they had access to. Ford not only brought stylish, reliable cars into the world, he revolutionized the way manufacturing was practiced on a whole. Nearly everything produced in a factory today is done so on an assembly line, and it is impossible to imagine what our world would look like without Ford’s contribution. No matter what type of car, truck, or SUV you drive, trust the expert mechanics at Wayne & Sons Automotive Repair with all your repair and maintenance needs. Our technicians have the knowledge, ability, and equipment necessary to keep your vehicle reliably on the road. For the best auto service in Santa Rosa, call or come by today.
Thank you for visiting Wayne & Sons Automotive Repair, LLC in Santa Rosa, CA. Count on our automotive repair technicians to keep your car, truck, suv, or van on the roads longer and safer.
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